365 days of deals and tips completed.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day 42

{I have an amazing friend, her name is Tina.} She has always been responsible with her money and always been debt free. She is the reason I am able to write this blog. About 3 years ago, in tears and in my freak out state I asked permission from my husband if I could sit down with her and see if she could guide us in the right direction with our finances. She sat me down.... gave up a couple hours of her day.... and point blank said I can't help you unless you get rid of some of your payments. She helped me write a budget and sent my on my way. {Boy did she help me!} {She was my accountablilty partner.} After lots of prayers, tears and freak out sessions, my husband was on board and we knocked out $48,000 of debt in a little over 18 months. God used Tina in my life to forever change our family tree. Tina....I will forever be grateful to you for being a true friend and having the courage to give me a wake up call. Do you have a {"Tina"} in your life?
The whole point of my story is find an {accountability partner.} If you are single find a friend who is wise with their finances. If you are married, your spouse. If you know me or not....I would be honored to help you get on track. I am just an email or phone call away. Ask away!

1 comment:

  1. Look at where you guys are now!! So glad I could be a part of this. You guys are awesome!!


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