365 days of deals and tips completed.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Day 365!!!!!!

3 years 7 months ago we took the next exit to Financial Freedom. Was it easy? Heck no! $48,000 of debt seemed an impossible mountain to climb. But we knew we had to do it. 3 years 7 months ago we were at the point that we were charging all of our groceries and gas and there was NO BIG BONUS that year coming to bail us out. Tough decisions had to be made. Cancel Cable, Sell Husbands Prized Truck, No Fancy Cell Phones, No Eating Out, Very Small Grocery Budget, Lots of Coupons, No Clothing Budget and on and on.
18 long, exciting, grueling, rewarding months we climbed the mountain. WE WERE DEBT FREE in April 2008. Relieved, excited but we knew we had more work to do. On to saving. In 10 short months because we were debt free, our tax refund and by the GRACE of GOD we had a fully funded EMERGENCY FUND....6 months of living....$20,000 cash. Wow! We had climbed that impossible mountain.
Feburary 2009 it happened. The economy was struggling and my husband was laid off. We started our journey to honor God with our finances and I know He blessed our journey and emergency fund. We were going to be okay... well at least for 6 months!
3 months later and 1/2 of our emergency fund gone my husband was employed again. Note to you readers: When calculating your 3-6 months of living expenses don't forget to include paying your own health insurane. COBRA insurance cost our family over $1000 a month while my husband was unemployed.
May 2009 my husband was employed again but for a lovely pay decrease of 39%
Our budget is tight and it is not as easy to save money with a 39% pay cut but we are slowly building everything back up.
Here is what our finances look like today:
6 Months Living Emergency Fund: $18055.55
Christmas Fund $200.52
Car Savings $86.92....I know we need to work on that one
Medical: $379.28
Daughter Preschool $215
401K: 15% of gross income...just a side note/ that is the only thing we have always done right from the beginning :) We have always put away for retirement and never touched it.
Savings Goal $1944.45...that will fully fund our 6 months Emergency Fund
Goal: To have it saved by the end of summer!
That is where we sit today. Was it worth the sacrifice? Yes, Yes, Yes!!!!! We will continue to live frugally. We have changed our family tree and will leave an inheritance to our children. Thank you God for opening our eyes.
As for this lovely blog, it has been an amazing 365 days. Thank you for all the emails. Just yesterday someone emailed me and told me that they paid off their last debt and are now Debt Free. Yea! Amen!
Thanks for coming on the journey with me.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


Retails for $20.00
Marked down at Wal-Mart for $10.00
use the $5.00/1 coupon from 3/21/10 sunday insert
Final Price $5.00
Great present!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Justice for $1.79

Justice has lots of clearance. The above was all marked down to $2.99 plus you can print a coupon for 40% off your entire purchase here.
After my coupon each piece only cost $1.79.
If you do not live in a town that has a Justice you can shop online and use the code 774 to save 40%.

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Don't forget to load the lastest cellfire ecoupons on your card. New cellfire coupons will come out on 3-16-10 be sure to load the current ones while you can.
Click here to load them.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Why I have no clothing budget

Girls Clothes Shirts Shorts Dress size 2T 24 months Lot
Item condition: --
Ended: Mar 08, 201019:04:33 PST
Bid history: 25 bids
Winning bid: US $310.52

Sorry for my lack of blogging! I have been up to my eyeballs in ebay.

But it is worth it for me in the end.

I can make some money while staying at home and have no clothing budget.

I purchased the above clothing for around $40 my daughter wore them last spring and summer and just sold them for $310.52

Will be back with deals soon :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

Target Rx Coupon

Don't toss the Target ad from yesterday before you pull out the $10 Target Gift Card with any New or Transferred coupon.
Just last week a transferred a Rx from Target to Dillons and used my Dillons coupon and made $15 on my Dillons card after I paid for the prescription.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Children's Place Shirts for $2.54 + 3% back

Above are the shirts I ordered my daugher from Children's Place.com. I only paid $2.54 for each plus I will get 3% back from ebates.
Thanks to moneysavingmom for the codes.
Here is how I did it:
Be sure to first go throught the ebates.com here and search Children's Place to receive the extra 3% ebate.
Shop the Winter's Last Blast
and use the following codes

SPRING22A good for 15% off entire order
FSFEB2010 good for free shipping
I would pay that price at a garge sale...GREAT DEAL!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


How much do you spend eating out?
Here is a confession that is mind boggling to me... the first year we were married we spent at the very minimum $6000.00 in one year dining out. We ate at a nice restaurant 5 days a week at $25 a pop. We both worked and the last thing I was going to do was cook. That was also the same time in our lives that we both drove two spankin' brand new cars and lived in a house that we could not afford. Sigh.
Oh how things have changed. Our budget for dining today is $40/monthly. That means that Bryan takes his lunch to work everyday. After every dinner I pack up the left overs and freeze them so all he has to do on the way out the door is grab a container.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Which Spouse?

Have finacial stress in your marriage?
Maybe this will help.
Been there done that. It was not a pretty site. I have watched first hand a friends marriage go from it is over to we can do this when the right spouse started paying bills.
When I married my wonderful husband he paid the bills and was in control of everything dealing with finances. I had no clue to where to money was going. We both spent what we wanted and when we wanted. Resulting in ALOT OF DEBT.
But one day I thought to myself if anything ever happened to my husband I would have no clue to who we owed or even when the utilities were due. So I headed to the office and figured it out. Sounds easy but it took time. Turned out that I was one that needed to pay bills. My husband did a great job using Quiken and paying bills on time...but he is the spender and I am the saver.
Are you married? Is the right spouse paying bills.
Now we are a team, we make decisions together, never spend money without the other knowing and because we are on the same page and the right spouse pays the bills we are DEBT FREE.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

New Cellfire Coupons

New Cellfire ecoupons ready to be loaded today. Load them all! Click here to load them to your Grocery Card.
Great deals are made with Cellfire and manufacturer coupons.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day 364

Easy way to save money on hand soap. If you use a foam hand dispenser and fill half with soap and half with water.
Soap at 50% off.

Day 363

Did you know that Papa John's has a reading program?
Stop in a store and pick up the info.The reward is FREE PIZZA for your kids....thanks Heather

Day 362

The winner of the Dave Ramsey Book is Jeannine Royse!

Day 361

Submit your budget to Dave Ramsey's team for a chance to see how it stacks up.
Is your budget broken? Or maybe you just need a little extra cash each month? Are you on track for the retirement you've dreamed of or have you given up on the idea of retiring at all? Whether you're a financial rock star or one small crisis from bankruptcy, you'll want to enter The 2010 Budget Fitness Challenge
I just entered!

Day 360

I used go to the Grocery Store almost daily and put in my cart whatever looked good. Never planned meals and my kids did not help the bill by adding junk we did not need to the cart. But now my goal is to always have my list and coupons ready to go and if possible leave the kiddos behind :)Now I plan my meals based on what is on sale, matches coupons and sticks to her list.It does take some time and planning but it is well worth the savings.

Day 359

Mark your calendar for 2-23-10 for a free plate of pancakes at IHOP. 1 plate per person.
All they ask is a donation to the Children's Miracle Network.
While supplies last

Day 358

I just loaded NEW shortcuts ecoupons. Be sure to add yours.
Click here.

Day 357

30 Free Gifts to Grow Points Code:
more info on the program here

Day 356

Did anyone beside Heather...notice I transposed numbers and today is really Day 356 and not 365??? Darn...I hate when my human side kicks in.
So how do you stay out of debt???
Here of some things we do to ensure we NEVER GO BACK INTO DEBT:
1. Put a name to every penny of every paycheck by using a written budget
2. Save for upcoming expenses
3. I go down once a week to enter transactions into Quicken
4. Use the envelope system
5. Never use a credit card...do not even have 1 to my name
6. Big purchases must be paid for in cash.
Alright...back on track more tips and deals to come :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 355

How in the world is it already Day 355??? Wow time flys. Well...one more giveaway. If you would like to have this book for your collection leave a comment or email me and I will give pick one lucky reader one week from today. 2-22-10
Stay tune for my day 356 Finacial update.....
and if you have been on this jouney with me would you please email me any amount of debt you have paid off...small or large or have you saved any money??? I would love to see how much debt has been paid off and how much money has been saved :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Day 354

Before you toss the Sunday paper...be sure to find the Rx coupons.
Target=Free $10 Gift card for New or Transfer prescription
Dillons= $20 in Free Groceries for a transfer prescription
geez why did my kids get sick last week and not this week??

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Day 353

Yoplait yogurt at Dillons for $.34 a cup
Here is how....
$.40/6 manufacturer coupon
$.50/8 manufacturer coupon
both double
Be sure to have your cellfire and shortcuts coupons loaded.
2 cellfire $.50 each
1 shortcuts coupon $.50
When you buy 20 you get a $2.00 catalina coupon good toward next purchase.
Equals great price on yogurt

Friday, February 12, 2010

Day 352

Many Great Deals at Dillons this week. Here is just one example of the Buy 10 Participating Products and save $3
So grab your coupons, load your ecoupons and head to Dillons.
Prices reflect the $3.00 off for purchasing 10
Purex (2) $2.69-$1/1 coupon from the Daytona Mailer
Final Price $4.38 for 2 but get a $4.00 coupon off your next purchase. Like getting them for $.19 each
Grands Biscuits (3) $.99 each shortcuts coupon and manufacturer coupon
Final price $.56 each
Betty Crocker Fruit Chews $1.99 shortcuts coupon and manufacturer coupon
Final price $1.29 each
Cinnamon Toast Crunch $2.39-shortcuts coupon and manufacturer coupon
Final price $1.87 each

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Day 351

I have 2 sick kids...so not much deal shopping being done. But while at Target last night picking up a prescription I noticed the Stawberries are on sale for $2.49 and Blueberries on sale for $3.99.
My kids love berries!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 350

I have not done much shopping at Walgreens lately...but today I did pull out my $1.25/1 Dove Mens manufacturer coupon
Dove Mens Wash $5.99-$1.25
Out of Pocket $4.76
but received a $6.00 Register Reward

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Day 349

New Cellfire ecoupons that are available Now. They expire on March 8th. Click here to load.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 348

Be sure to take a stroll through the cleaning aisle next time at Dillons. Many of the Kroger brand cleaners were 50% off and select Scrubbing Bubbles products are marked down.
The toilet gel was marked down to $2.09 use your $1/1 manufacturer coupon Final price $1.09
and if you have the time here is a link to make Homemade Household Cleaners. I have not found the time yet :)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 347

Get your Free 8x10 Canvas Picture ($55 value) here....well almost free just pay shipping
Thanks to kellyskorner
my mission....try to make my 3 kids take a good picture and get my free canvas :)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Day 346

Did you know that if an item rings up wrong at Dillons they refund you the total price?
Be sure to watch your receipts. I had an item ring up wrong and they refunded me the total price.
Be sure to watch all your receipts at all stores!

Friday, February 5, 2010

Day 345

Click here to load the newest shortcuts ecoupons. Came out 2-3-10.
Remember you can only load 25 at one time.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Day 344

Mark your calendars 2-9-10 6am-2pm
FREE Original Grand Slam Breakfast
Read more here

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day 343

Click here to print a Great Quaker Coupon. Would match up Great with a Quaker Sale...thanks Heather

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 342

Get your free sample of kashi here....thanks Heather

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 341

Some Pantene is marked down at Dillons. Keep your eye out.
Use your $3/2 manufacturer coupon expires 1/31... but Dillons takes coupons expired up to 2 weeks
Final price $.59 each

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 340

10 Item Mega Event
Buy any 10 participating items and get $5 off
List of items that have a shortcuts or cellfire ecoupon that you can match with a paper manufacturer coupon
Be sure to load shortcuts and cellfire
1. Chex Mix Free if you have coupon from coupons.com $.50/1
2. Pillsbury Toaster Strudels $.77
3. Fiber One Bars $.79
4. Nature Valley Clusters Free
5. Nestle Cookie Dough $.15
There may be more...the above is what I purchased.
List of items that I had Manufacturer coupons that matched.
Nestle Spring Water
Propel Singles
Gatorade 8 packs
Chex Mix
Planters Nuts
Orville Popcorn
I Can't Believe It's Not Butter
Nestle Cookie Dough
Kraft Cheese
Kraft Cream Cheese
Sister Schubert Dinner Rolls
DiGiorno Pizza
Pillsbury Savorings
Pillsbury Toaster Strudels
Crest Toothpaste
Brawny Paper Towels
Quilted Northern
Ziploc Containers
Oscar Myer Meet
Ritz Crackers
Fiber One Bars
Nature Valley Clusters
Hunt's Tomatoes
Misson Tortillas
Make your list and save money!
Great deal: Products on sale, Get your $.50 off each product for buying 10, Ecoupons, and Doubled manufacturer coupons.
Ad runs through 2-2-10 but my guess is they will run it again for another week

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 339

Click here to request your free sample....thanks to Iva

Friday, January 29, 2010

Day 338

Good price on Tide at Target...
on sale for $5.99
$5.99-$1/1 manufacturer coupon exp. 1-31-10
Final price $4.99
and click here if you would like the recipe to make your detergent and save even more money!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 337

Did you receive the $1/1 Quaker Oatmeal coupon in a recent Dillons mailer?
If so make sure to use it.
Final price $.88

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 336

Dillons Deal
Coupons Used $2/1 manufacturer from paper insert and $2/1 manufacturer coupon from All You Magazine
On sale for Buy One Get on Free
Shelf Price $8.99
Final Price $2.49 each

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 335

It's that time again! New cellfire ecoupons new and ready to load today.
Click here to load them all.

Coupons are available on Cellfire for Kroger and Safeway starting
Tuesday 01/26/10 can be saved until Monday 02/08/10 and expire Monday

Monday, January 25, 2010

Day 334

Cottonelle on sale at Dillons
Print a $.50/1 coupon at coupons.com (doubles)....remember to you can print each coupon twice
Final Price after coupon $4.99
Price without coupon and sale $7.99
P.S. There is also a coupon for Cottonelle in the 2/19/10 issue of All You magazine

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Day 333

Easy Coupon Tip:
Does your store double coupons?
If so here is how to tell if the coupon will double in value...
If the first number is 5 the coupon will double
If the first number is 9 it won't

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Day 332

Enter the Great Gallon Giveaway here
Enter for your chance to win FREE MILK FOR A YEAR
also when you enter you receive a coupon for free milk open to the first 125,000...thank you Iva

Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 331

My two stock-up items of the week at Dillons
Tyson chicken $4.98~ 50% off
Reames Noodles~ 67% off
Great prices!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 330

I was reading my latest All You Magazine and wanted to share all the cool ways to save money with your cell phone. Of course you know that I am to frugal to pay for a fancy cell phone...all mine does is ring and call out :)
but for those of you who can add apps to your phone be sure to check out the following right here.
Track down coupons
Compare prices
Keep tabs on your grocery bill
Budget on the go
Manage your bank account
Consolidate reward cars.
Very cool!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Day 329

28 NEW shortcuts coupons were added yesterday. Click here to load them on your card. Remember with shortcuts you can only load 25 at a time.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 328

If you are out and about stop at Target. There is clearance all over the store.
The total for the above was $9.44.
Metamucil $4.48-$3.00 manufacturer coupon=$1.48
Yes to Carrots Lip balm $2.48
Girls Shirts $2.24 and $1.74
Pantene $2.50-$1.00 manufacturer coupon= $1.50
Total with out mark-downs and coupons would of been $39.96
The lip balm itself was $9.99 original price and my total for everything was only $9.44!
Custom Search